Supposedly the Obamas paid for last night's party out of their own pockets.
They used at least $250,000 of our money and maybe as much as $350,00 to do all they could to get Netanyahu defeated,
interfering in an election
......which they are now mad at someone for doing to us.
By merely supplying Information, to Voters.
Whoever said:
"if Liberals did not have Double-Standards they would have no Standards at all" was Genius, nailed it.
Dumbass Obama's meddling in The Israeli Election though only contributed to an increase in support for Netanyahu, after an estimated 23% of Undecided voters impressed by Netanyahu standing up to Obama decided to back Netanyahu.
Obama's anger over the influence cast upon our election to defeat his girl is in large part due to WikiLeaks succeeding where he failed.
Anger that a Darn Website has more Skillz than he does, even when he is backed by the most powerful government body on earth
Obama has been made to face the fact that he is Massive Fail, on an Epic Scale.